Our Property
About two months ago, Mr Ken-being the bargain hunter he is, stumbled acrossed an ad for a little piece of land just right for a couple happy campers. Mrs Angi-being the ever budget conscious person I am, was certain we couldn't afford. Both of us-certain this was a deal we couldn't afford to miss, came up with a plan:
If we cut back on our groceries, turn off any and all lights we don't need, turn the thermostat down about 5 degrees and only do the laundry and dishes after 7pm (low power rates at that time)-we could, in theory, save enough money to pay for this property each month.So now
We keep all the lights off and are very conscious of our power and food usage, the house is always a little chilly inside and we have a little slice of heaven to show for it!!!!
We have 40 acres of private beach rights to
a beach that is completely loaded with clams and oysters!
The landscape is 100% natural, over grown and amazing!!! We have about 2/3 acre of swamp with frogs that sing all evening long. And the other 1/3 acre is 100% perfect!
We have some mega trees....a few of which are very ready to be fire wood and Ken has already started a bit of the tree cutting process. I will tell you this much...the clean up of a tree is an EXHAUSTING job!!!And of course we have the camping!!!! Our own guaranteed campsite...complete with clamming and oyster picking. Seriously can't get any better than this!!!
We are getting some clearing and cleaning down so we can invite friends and family to join us for lots of summer fun...for many many many summers to come!!!
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