A very pathetic garden
Our garden has been a bit of a disappointment this summer! After so much work with all the tilling and manure, the bazillions of seedlings, the newly constructed green house over it and the carpeted floor for weed control, we had very high hopes of a highly productive garden.
So far we have had about 5 yellow zucchinis (out of a total of 6 bushes planted), 4 cucumber (but there are 2 more on the way), a handful of edamame (out of 18 stalks planted), and 2 baggies full of sugar peas (before the record high temps killed them).
In all fairness, we are still holding out hope for the tomatoes and this beautiful lone eggplant on a suprisingly pretty eggplant bush is letting us know there's still a little time left!Totally unaware of the slow productivity in the backyard, my apple tree in the front yard has gone gangbusters! If you just look at the apple cross-eyed it jumps off the tree! I am pretty excited about these! They are my first fruit trees...pretty dang cool that they are actually making fruit!
We have learned that the soil is everything...we tried to improve our ho-hum soil with good stuff, but we really needed to cover the bad soil and start, or build on top of, with good soil. We know for next year now AND we also have a little better idea where to plant things and how much of each.
All in all, I honestly think the trips to Carpinito Bros regularly would be a cheaper and more time efficient for all our produce needs, but there is something pretty cool about seeing it growing in your backyard!
What's that saying? "The first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap!!" Here's to many bountiful years ahead (even if they're transplanted to new homes on a new property).
Unfortunately that is only true for perinnials...veggies are a one season wonder. But thanks for trying :)
Starting to get tomatoes now and that was really the most important veggie anyways!!!
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