Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Wedding

Well, I guess it's time for a bit of an update...Our wedding was on May 13th and oh what a day it was! First, let me start by saying....OH MY GOSH wedding planning is soooooooooooo stressful and time consuming!!! Every waking moment of our days was spent doing this, ordering that, stuffing envelopes, tying ribbons, and dealing with all the things that can possibly go wrong with a wedding. On that note, I have to give a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to Ken for being the most amazingly HUGE help through the entire process and skillfully was able to handle all bridal break-downs.
As the wedding day got closer and more things went wrong (did you know his wedding band wasn't going to be ready in time and my wedding dress was to come in only 12 days before the wedding), we still wanted to have the wedding to share with all our family and friends...but Ken and I wanted our wedding day to be fun and special for us.....So:
We ran off to Vegas and got married by Elvis and announced it at the wedding to our family and friends! We are so pleased that everyone got such a kick out of it!!! We were also happy we found a way to have a wedding for all our friends and family, AND have a special day just for us! It will be a great story to tell for years to come.


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