Monday, July 31, 2006

Busy Week

Phew! What a busy week!! I am almost relieved to be back at work so things can slow down a bit.
Tuesday, I brought my neighbor Lisa to the Mariner's game for 'Stitch n Pitch' night. Stitch n Pitch is when a whole bunch of knitters go to the ball game together. We had a good time and Lisa even learned how to knit while we were there! WooHoo!
Tuesday was also my Dad's birthday-Happy Birthday Dad!
Then, Wednesday morning at 6am we were on the road for Neah Bay to go fishing. After spending 14 hours a day on the boat for 4 straight days we came home with one salmon and a couple bottom fish.
Guppy did great being on the boat!!! He pretty much stayed bundled up in this little doggy bed the whole time. He didn't even seem to care about the couple fish that did make it into the boat.


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