Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One Year Ago

One year ago....
Hard to believe that a year has already gone by! It definitely has been the best year of my life. I married the most amazing man EVER...the love of my life!
I say one year ago rather loosely, because the above wedding was May 13th, 2006
Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and a few extra things too...the wedding dress wasn't going to arrive in time for the wedding....Ken's wedding band wasn't going to be ready yet...and so many more things, there just isn't time to list it all.
As this wedding day approached and things kept going wrong, Ken and I were at our whit's end with the whole thing!!! Then we decided our wedding day was for us and we wanted it to be fun!
So we did want any two people would do when they had a full scale wedding happening in two months........
We ran off to Las Vegas and got married by Elvis!!!We announced that we were already married during the ceremony of the above 'wedding'.
So one year ago...give or take a couple months...Ken and I got married :) Now it is time for us to celebrate our Anniversary-WooHoo!! We are headed sunny Cancun Mexico...the place where we started two years ago-the place that made the best part of my life begin!!!
We will be sipping Mango Daquiris and Coronas until the sun goes down, eating tacos and tamales until our stomaches hurt (ok, that's just me that does that), soaking up every memory of our surroundings that we can....I can almost hear the waves crashing right now!!!! We can't wait!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This is how cool my husband is!!!

So, in the middle of a 'Yarn Crisis', with it taking a horrific number of extra hours to get the f**r#@n yarn ready to dye and a wrist that is now completely shot from skeining, my super cool husband quickly got to work on an electrical skeiner for me.
How cool is that?!
First of all, how cool is it that he can even create such things and second of all, how cool is it that he is so willing to help me with all this yarn stuff!
I seriously have the "World's BEST Husband!!!!"