Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's SUMMER!!!

Oh what a great weekend it was! I sold my wares at the Redmond Saturday Market and had yet another great day!!! Then I arrived home to see that Ken had tilled up my entire front yard and took out every scary little weed there was!!! What a super great husband I have!!!!! That has been a daunting task I had not yet found the ambition to tackle so I was pleased as punch to see that!!! Now I am eager to get some new things planted in there!!! Pictures to come soon.
After Ken's hard working day and my very toasty hot day at the market, we had our first poker game since we have been back from the honeymoon. I, uncharacteristically, let the frustration of a loss on one hand affect the next hand I played and I was the first one out! :( Ken, however, kicked butt and got first place!!!! WooHooo

Then the weather was fantastic on Sunday, so we hit the water!!!! The lines for the boat launch were, not suprisingly, long- but moved VERY quickly. We were out on the water by noon. Then we wanted to do some tubing, so we called up my little sis because we needed a third person. We picked up her and her friend at Coulon (where we also bumped into Reggie aka Reg-dog) and back out in the water we went.

It was lots of fun! I even gave it a try for the first time....I had them go slow, but I think I will definitely try it a little faster next time :)

Then we headed home for a little BBQ to wrap up the evening. What a SUPER FANTASTIC weekend we had! It's so great to have summer finally here!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A rolling stone gathers no moss....

We have nooooooooo chance of gathering any moss!!!

With one free day on this Father's Day weekend....Ken and I headed up to our annual '1 Day 1-der' camping spot, to sneak in the first camping trip of the year!!! We call it "one day one-der" because we were itching to go camping, but only had one day to spare!

The doggies, as they say, were Happy Campers chasing sticks and running through the nearby stream.

And Ken and I enjoyed a night away from the household chores, the yard work, the laudry, and on and on.

Lately, Ken's major challenge has been the weeds that are over-taking the garden....while we were sitting by the fire, with out thinking, he actually started weeding around the fire pit at the campsite!!!! Hahahahaha, I think we really needed to get away, huh?! :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Anahiem Angels

Last Sunday, Jade, Jaime and I found ourselves suddenly in Anahiem California to watch the Mariner's Game.
Jade and Jaime had planned to go to the Mariner's game on Sunday until they found out it was in California...So, while at Jaime's B-day BBQ, Taylor's Coach and the DJ at our wedding (he must be a jack of all trades) piped up and said, 'if you wanna go, I will send you there'.....being lucky enough to be a tag-a-long, the three of us were on a plane headed to California 6 hours later!!!
It was a great time...did you see us in the stadium?Here are some pictures!


10 days ago I was outside with my bunny 'Berk-man' enjoying the sunny weather. He wasn't acting like his normal self, but I didn't give it much thought.
Ken got home and we are getting ready to head out to watch Taylor's softball game so I was taking Berk back inside the house. That's when I realized he needed immediate medical attention.
Ken and I got to the Auburn Emergency Vet's as quickly as we could and I finally had to yell at the nurses to get them to acknowledge me. Don't ever take your pet there if they actually need emergency care....they completely ignore you and walk back and forth.
3 hours later, Berk was in so much pain that it came down to making the tough decision to put him to sleep.
Though he was less than 10 pounds, he was a huge part of our daily lives and he has been missed!

The Honeymoon

Then it was off to the honeymoon....Cabo San Lucas!
That was a very interesting trip....we couldn't find a swimable beach for the first few days, got scammed on our fishing trip, and at our very secluded hotel the bar and restraunt closed between 7-8pm every night and there were no TVs or Telephones in the room.
On the bright side, we were very adventures with our food choices! We tried all kinds of tacos- from octopus to marlin. We also ate at several little hole in the wall restraunts, one with rooster crowing in the background! Those little hole in the walls were great because 4 tacos and 2 beers was less than $10.00. The regular restaraunts, on the other hand, were ridiculously over priced.
All in all, we had a nice trip and enjoyed our 2 weeks off, but we aren't in any major hurry to get back to Cabo. Here are some photos from our trip

The Wedding

Well, I guess it's time for a bit of an update...Our wedding was on May 13th and oh what a day it was! First, let me start by saying....OH MY GOSH wedding planning is soooooooooooo stressful and time consuming!!! Every waking moment of our days was spent doing this, ordering that, stuffing envelopes, tying ribbons, and dealing with all the things that can possibly go wrong with a wedding. On that note, I have to give a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to Ken for being the most amazingly HUGE help through the entire process and skillfully was able to handle all bridal break-downs.
As the wedding day got closer and more things went wrong (did you know his wedding band wasn't going to be ready in time and my wedding dress was to come in only 12 days before the wedding), we still wanted to have the wedding to share with all our family and friends...but Ken and I wanted our wedding day to be fun and special for us.....So:
We ran off to Vegas and got married by Elvis and announced it at the wedding to our family and friends! We are so pleased that everyone got such a kick out of it!!! We were also happy we found a way to have a wedding for all our friends and family, AND have a special day just for us! It will be a great story to tell for years to come.